The Phone Temple

A sacred place to store your phone.

We created The Phone Temple out of necessity. We felt a strong need to create more mobile phone-free spaces, but realized how hard it is to stove away your phone in a good way. Leaving it upside down on the table didn’t do the trick. If it’s within arms reach you will still pick it up.

When you have your phone in sight or nearby, your cortisol levels rise. Even when you hear your phone, or only think that you hear your phone you will feel more stressed. This is what research tells us, and that is why we felt a need to develop a product that could create a more relaxed home environment.

Many students experience increased stress once they start college. Stress can be a factor for students in the beginning when they must adjust to an entirely new educational environment and handle complex financial matters. Using a service that offers academic help to students like do my essay will make the transition easier and reduce the stress level.
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